Dear Mama Nature,
I know how it is. I know that after a while you feel more in control, calmer, etc. I know that it gives you a sense of peace and comfort and you think, "I've been cured!"
But, then a week or two later, you're freaking out and sending rain, hail, tornadoes, and general destruction via wind and a big old temper tantrum.
I know you don't want to hear this, but it's time for an intervention.
Mama Nature, you have got to go back on your meds. When we are having random trees fall during slight breezes because the ground is so soaked it can no longer support their roots, enough is enough.
We won't even mention what you've done to my bell peppers.
Your meds! Take them!
Angrily yours,
It usually takes one to know one and seeing as how I will be on anti-anxiety meds my whole life I think I'm entitled to give her what-for.
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