Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm a mother!

Holy monkey butts!  I have sproutlings!

Please note that today three pumpkin, three bush bean, six pak choy, and one swiss chard were born.  (Eat that OctoMom.)

Sniffle, sniffle.  I'm so proud!

May they grow happy, strong, fruitful, and encourage their siblings to come forth!

Now, I get to do more research on on the possible dangers to my little plant babies and if their are organic ways to manage such things.  Yeah, yeah, I'm trying the companion planting thing, but while some plants are beneficial to others it doesn't necessarily mean they will also keep away pests or disease.  Some do both but not all.  It would take more plants than I have room to achieve that effect.  Just getting these guys set up to be peaceful in their playpen was headache enough.

I am sure there are all sorts of natural ways to get rid of pests, like picking them off the leaves and squishing them with extreme prejudice, which is surprisingly satisfying.

Look, when it comes to my hard earned garden, there is no tree-hugging mercy (see bunny and squirrel gumbo).  I might be a touchy-feely, bleeding-heart, but even I have to draw the line somewhere.  (Bloody damn green worms chewing holes in my mint last year.  Little bastards.)

Of course, I am encouraging spiders, lizards, lady bugs, and all other sorts of beneficial pest killers.  At least when they do the killing, it's considered natural.  When I do it, it's considered carnage.  Go fig.

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