Monday, May 2, 2011

You have got to be kidding me...

While my friends do indeed inform me that I am about two cows short of a herd, I still had to double-check the calendar several times today to make sure that I either hadn't gone completely off the deep end or wasn't missing time from an alien kidnapping.

It's 45 degrees today.

It's also May.

Trust me, I checked.  I even called people asking if maybe I was hallucinating.

Nope.  It's May, and it's 45 degrees.

Maybe to people born and raised here this might not seem so weird, but I've lived here for ten years and have never seen it get this cold this close to summer.  I, personally, love it because the heat of summer makes me weep.  The problem is I'm not sure how my garden is going to like it.  Granted, we're not talking freezing weather by any means, but still, being a new gardener, I can't help but worry about how such drastic temperature changes will affect my plants.

So far they seem okay, but I guess I'll know more when it warms up.

Of course, the fact that it's this chilly today means it will be comparable to high noon in the Sahara tomorrow and probably until December.

I can feel Mama Nature laughing maniacally at us.

I know prayer is supposed to be a direct line to the great celestial boss on this planet, but for some reason my requests that Mama Nature be put in a strait jacket and carted off to the Hospital for Psychotic Anthropomorphic Personifications has been continuously ignored.